

Additions to the family

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"Well I'm afraid Amber and I have some bad news. Our fish Marvin died this last week. Marvin was a great addition to our family and he will be missed. However, we replaced him with a new Beta named Dunder in honor of Dunder and Mifflin from The Office. Also this last week we bought two adorable little rats. They are awesome. The best part of all though is that buying them was Amber's idea. We have a bluish gray rat named Milo and a tan and white one which we named Remy in honor of Remy on Ratatouille. They are a blast. We've already had a lot of fun with them. They like to nibble on our fingers a bit but we are trying to break them of the habit. They are slowly getting more used to being around us


For Baby Cooper

I saw these little basket ball shoes & I had to get them. Many of you know that I love love love shoes. Mostly everytime I go to Wal Mart I have to stop in the baby shoe department and take a looksie... I am so excited I can actually buy some now! They are so tiny and fun. I thought Bryan would enjoy seeing his baby boy in some B Ball get up. They are on thier way in the mail! Yay... Love you Bryan & Kasey

Posted By: Amy Lee


Baby Blessing

We went down to sandy for the baby blessing today. It was pretty neat to see the Woods again since we don't see them very often. Mom asked me to post a few of the pictures she took after the blessing for her, so here they are.

Kasey's Belly 21 Weeks

Hey Family. Here are a few more pics of my ever growing belly. I am hoping that someday soon I will get some votes as having the biggest belly. To make a more accurate comparison Bryan decided to stuff....Who do you think is bigger now?

Bryan and I are also starting to buy our little one something every Monday night for Family Home Evening. Here is the first little outfit we got him. Just imagine a little red headed baby in this outfit. If you can't tell there is a Tiger in the corner. FYI: That is going to be the theme of Baby Cooper's room.... Tigers. :)

This one is for Maria, I got all of this for only $3.39 and because of my abilities of persuasion (Bryan didn't really think I needed a HUGE jar of pickles, I think maybe only Maria would understand)!


More Ultrasound Pictures

The ultrasound lady said this was a great shot of his man parts. Proof that I am having a boy.

He has his little toushie up in the air and I guess it is a good picture of his back and legs too.

Since the is great interest about the size of the baby Merrell cranium I thought you should get one more head shot. There are a bunch of other pictures, but I pretty much have no idea what they are other than the label at the bottom saying feet or whatever. Hope things are going good at home. We miss being around.



It's a Boy

Congratulations Bryan & Kasey! We are so excited for you!
love, Amy & Davey


I got a new job at the Sunflower Shop. I am really liking it. I just wanted to share a little story. Since my mishap of ruining our car, Dad had to take me to work and also pick me up. He was running some errands before he came to get me and slipped on some ice in the parking lot that shares four stores Kings, Pharmacy, Photo Shop & Sunflower Shop. When he came to pick me up he said " I think I just broke my butt " Poor guy. I hope you are feeling better Dad :) He also didn't even get the thin he had come to get. What a bad day.
love, Amy Lee



Mom requested a picture of Kasey's cute belly. These pictures really don't do the size of baby Bryger much justice. I tried to get Kasey to show some skin, but she politely refused. Her belly has really popped out in the last two weeks. Who looks more pregnant...me or Kasey? Only 10 days until we find out what we are having.


hello hello

Well everyone else in the family has left something on this page, so I thought I would leave a pic of bubs and I since the little guy is getting married. Can you believe he found a lady that thinks that goofy kid is cute? haha I'm just playing eric. I love you man.

Hmmm.. I don't think that anyone has made it clear on the family page that I am going to be an uncle! haha pretty much everyone knows by now, but here are a couple images from when Bryan and Kasey told everyone on Christmas morning.

Kasey and Amber (they are happy)

My stocking that Bryan and Kasey hung up. I had no clue what was going on until they flat out told us..


Amber's Wedding Shower

Opening Gifts!

Question Game with Eric on camera!
Love, Amy Lee