
Life in Denver

Life in Denver has been treating us well. We are enjoying our time getting to know new people, and have been staying pretty busy. Here are some of the things we have been doing.

1. We have been introduced to the wonderful world of Nintendo Wii! We went over to our friends house the other day, and had a night of fun. My favorite game was the boxing game (I am playing it in the picture below) I have a pretty mean upper cut!!! I totally domintated that game. Bryan and I have talked about getting one because for one I DO NOT like XBOX and for two it is something Bryan and I can play together!

2. We were asked by our friend Wade to help out with the Stake Fair. Our ward was responsible for husking and cooking 460 ears of corn!!! Can you believe it???! So Bryan and I woke up at 10am on Saturday and went to the church to husk us some corn, luckily some other member's showed up, it only took us about 1 hour to husk. Cooking it was another story though... we ended up cooking corn from 2:30pm to 6:00pm... we were beat! We did find some time though to do a little old fashion stick pull with some other Tremontonites, the Menloves. Bryan beat Taylor, and Marisha totally beat me. Here are some of the pictures from the night.



All is well in the land of Orem. I still haven't bought all of my text books because I am a little low on cash. But I'm getting by. I should be a little better after the first of next week. I get paid on Monday and I'm expecting a larger check this time around seeing as how I did a good chunk of overtime this last pay period.

I had my brakes give out on me the other night. They're fine now...Amber's dad figured the brake drum just got to hot. But it sure was scary. I was coming down the hill towards my apartment and had no brakes whatsoever. I managed to make it home ok...I had to use my E brake to park though. So even though it's working ok now I'm going to have Amber's dad look at it for me when we come home this weekend.

Amber and I went up and went on a hike by bridal falls a couple days ago. We got some good pictures. I'll see if I can find my memory card reader at mom and dad's house and post some on-line.